Data Structure and Algorithms
Binary Search
Leetcode 69: Sqrt(x)
Given a non-negative integer, \(x\), return the square root of \(x\) rounded down to the nearest integer. The returned integer should be non-negative as well.
You may not use any built-in exponent function. For example,
in python.Example:
=4 Input: x2 Output: =8 Input: x2 Output:
Explanation: Square root of 4 is 2 and square root of 8 is 2.8284. But we need to round down to any fraction. Therefore, the square root of 8 is also 2.
The square root of any number \(x\ge 0\) is less than or equal to \(x\). The brute force solution to this would be \(\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{n})\). Because, say \(x=8\), then
for \(i=1\) to 8: \[\begin{align*} 1^2 & = 1 <8 \\ 2^2 & = 4 <8\\ 3^2 & = 9 >8 \end{align*}\]
In contrast, if we explore binary search then the time complexity reduces to \(\mathcal{O}(\log{n})\). Say the square root is \(s\) which is the middle value in the range of 1 to \(x\). Then if \(s^2>x\), we search for the root in the left half. Otherwise, if \(s^2<x\) then we search the right side. However, when \(s^2<x\), then \(s\) is a possible candidate for the square root.
- set left value \(l= 0\), right value \(r= x\)
- Compute the middle value \(m=l+(r-l)/2\)
- If \(m^2 > x\) then search the left side: set \(r=m-1\)
- If \(m^2 < x\) then search the right side: set \(l=m+1\)
def square_root(x): = 0, x l, r = 0 sq while l<=r: = l + (r-l)//2 m if m**2 > x: = m-1 relif m**2 < x: = m+1 l = m sq else: return m return sq print(square_root(6))
- set left value \(l= 0\), right value \(r= x\)
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